Shirt: Thrifted | Skirt: Thrifted | Boots: Payless | Scarf: A'gaci | Bracelets: Self-made |
It's almost the end of January. Hopefully, before too long, temperatures will rise and I can shed some of these layers. I was also hoping that with the end of January, I would have, for the first time, successfully made it through cold & flu season without catching one of the viruses flying around me. Alas - it was not to be.
First, my boss had laryngitis. Then, my co-worker had pneumonia. In an office of three, my odds were already bad, but I thought I was in the clear. Then - cue the ominous music - my husband caught a cold. And now here I am, three days later, sniffling and coughing and all around symptom-y. I'll be happy when this cold, and this cold season, are far behind me.